US to Respond to Attack on its Forces in Middle East — White House

The US government is now focused on responding to a recent strike targeting a US military base on the Jordanian-Syrian border, US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby told reporters. reports that When asked whether the US was planning to act independently or in coordination with its partners to retaliate for the attack, Kirby replied, “We’re focusing on the US response; they killed American troops.

“He also said the Islamic Resistance in Iraq group was responsible for the attack, which left three US service members dead and over 40 wounded.

A Planned Attack

“We believe the attack in Jordan was planned, resourced, and facilitated by an umbrella group called the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, which contains multiple groups, including Kata’ib Hezbollah,” he said.

When asked whether Kata’ib Hezbollah played a key role in the attack, the US official replied, “This certainly has the earmarks of the kinds of things Kata’ib Hezbollah does.

“However, he emphasized that the “attribution that our intelligence community is comfortable with is that this was done by the umbrella group called the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

“After the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip, rocket and drone attacks on US military bases in Syria and Iraq have become more frequent.

Shiite militias have warned that they will increase the number of armed operations in Syria and Iraq if the US continues to provide military aid to Israel.

The US official responded, “This definitely has the makings of the kinds of things Kata’ib Hezbollah does,” implying that he played a significant part in the attack.

He did point out that the “attribution that our intelligence community is comfortable with is that this was done by the umbrella group called the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

“Following the intensification of hostilities between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, US military installations in Syria and Iraq have come under increasing rocket and drone attacks.

If the US keeps giving Israel military assistance, Shiite militias have threatened to step up their military actions in Syria and Iraq.

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