EU Considers Situation in Middle East Critical After US Strikes

The European Union assessed the situation in the Middle East as critical after the US strikes on Syria and Iraq, fears it will get out of control, and calls for de-escalation, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said upon arrival at an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers.

EU Considers Situation in Middle East Critical After US Strikes

“We have been repeating once and again that the Middle East is a boiler that can explode,” Borrel stated to reporters.

EU on a Mission to Prevent an Escalation

“Everyone is urged to work towards preventing an escalation. “The Middle East, as a whole, is going through a difficult time right now,” he stressed. reports that the senior EU diplomat noted that “because the conference in Brussels is informal, he did not know the positions of the ministers of the EU states and did not anticipate any significant decisions on Saturday.

“The US has attacked pro-Iranian militia forces in Syria’s Deir Ezzor Governorate four times in a row. Bombs were dropped on the paramilitary organisations’ bases in the Mayadin desert region and east of the town of Abu Kamal, close to the Iraqi border.

“Additionally, the US Air Force attacked pro-Iranian armed groups’ positions close to the Syrian border in western Iraq, close to the village of Al-Qa’im.

The Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, elite formations of the Iranian armed forces) and allied entities were the targets of the airstrikes, according to the US Central Command, which struck more than 85 targets.

“The US Air Force targeted the pro-Iranian armed groups’ locations in eastern Syria, killing at least eighteen of them, according to the Al Hadath TV programme.

“The TV station said that the US strikes in Iraq resulted in the deaths of at least six people. Every person who lost their life in Iraq belonged to a Shiite militia.”

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