The United States and the United Kingdom have delivered an airstrike on the airport of the Houthi-controlled city of Hodeidah. reports that the coalition forces assaulted Houthi sites close to the port of Ras Isa, which is close to Hodeidah on the Red Sea coast.

The Houthis issued a warning after the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Gaza Strip intensified. They said they would attack Israeli territory and prevent ships belonging to the Jewish state from crossing the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait until Tel Aviv stopped its military campaign against the radical Palestinian organisation Hamas in the beleaguered enclave.

US, UK Continues Assualt

The Houthis have assaulted numerous civilian ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden since mid-November.

The US government declared the formation of an international coalition and the beginning of preparations in response to Ansar Allah’s acts.

“For a mission known as Prosperity Guardian, which is anticipated to guarantee ship protection and freedom of navigation in the Red Sea.”

“The first strike against the Ansar Allah movement targets in many Yemeni towns, including Sana’a and Hodeidah, was executed on January 12 by US and British planes, ships, and submarines.”

The attacks went after the Houthi rebels’ radar systems as well as the locations of rocket and unmanned aerial vehicle launches.

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