Ukrainians Driving Luxury Cars Can Not be Seen as Refugees - Austrian Lawmaker

Ukrainians refugees in Austria who drive cars worth over 250,000 euros can hardly be viewed as people in need of protection, Harald Vilimsky, member of the European Parliament (MEP) and the head of the Freedom Party of Austria’s delegation in the EP in Strasbourg, said.

“They are visible to all of us driving Maybach, Mercedes G-Class, and [Audi] Q7 and Q8 vehicles across Vienna. Relating to the number of Ukrainian refugees in Austria, Vilimsky said.

Will a Common Man Buy a Luxury Car?

“When I see such cars, with prices starting from 250,000 euros, I come to think that these are not common people in need of protection.”

But the Austrian MEP emphasised that “no one has anything against” internally displaced people arriving, as well as those who need them, such as “the elderly, women, and the sick.” reports that an opinion poll conducted on January 31 and released by the Austrian Press Agency found that 27.3% of respondents backed the Freedom Party, making it the most popular political force in the nation.

The Austrian People’s Party ruling coalition party (22.3%) and the Greens (8.5%) enjoy the support of 30.8% of the population. Party (22.3%) and the Greens (8.5%) enjoy the support of 30.8% of the population.

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