European officials have accused Russia of coercing African students and workers into fighting in Ukraine in exchange for visa extensions, a tactic reminiscent of the Wagner mercenary group’s earlier recruitment efforts.

According to reports, Russia has been threatening to deport African students and workers unless they join the military, with some being detained and forced to choose between fighting or deportation. reports that Others have managed to bribe officials to avoid military service, according to a European official.

African Students Dilemma

This practice has been ongoing since earlier in the war, with high casualty rates among these troops, who are increasingly being deployed in risky offensive maneuvers to protect more highly trained units.

Russia’s ability to mobilize larger numbers of troops could become a significant factor in the war, despite its recent heavy losses.

Russia has also been recruiting convicts and migrants, promising lucrative bonuses and salaries, as part of a global recruitment drive that has targeted at least 21 countries, including several in Africa.

The recruitment drive has also targeted migrants and students who previously sought employment in Russia, with some being lured by promises of lucrative work before being forced to train and deploy to the front.

Despite heavy losses, Russia has been making up for its losses through voluntary recruitment, with tens of thousands of people signing up to fight.

However, the Kremlin’s tactics have raised concerns among Western officials, who are considering sharing intelligence with affected countries.

The G7 nations are also urging countries from the Global South to support Ukraine, as Russia’s disinformation efforts continue to target populations in these countries.

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