The UK is facing a severe shortage of construction workers, including bricklayers, plumbers, and carpenters, resulting in prolonged delays for homeowners and major projects.

According to a national construction audit, “over 415,000 people have waited over a year to secure a builder”, with average wait times exceeding three months for bricklayers and two and a half months for landscapers and decorators. reports that the industry faces a significant skills gap, with an estimated 225,000 additional skilled workers needed by 2027.

More Skilled Labour Needed

“The ageing workforce and lack of training for British workers exacerbate the issue”, with nearly one million tradespeople expected to retire in the next decade.

Government initiatives aim to address the shortage, including funding apprenticeships and cracking down on non-vocational university degrees. However, industry experts warn that “ignoring the skills deficit will worsen the housing crisis”.

As Clive Holland of Fix Radio emphasized, “If political parties, irrespective of their stripe or colour, honestly believe they can address the housing crisis without having the serious conversation of addressing the skills deficit, we’re heading into a very dangerous position.”

A Fix Radio survey revealed that “two-thirds of Britons felt discouraged from pursuing trades in school”, highlighting the need for change.

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