Pope Set to Mediate on Ukraine, but West Hinders Talks — Russia

Pope Francis is ready to mediate on Ukraine, but the West is obstructing the settlement of the conflict, Ivan Soltanovsky, Russian ambassador to the Vatican, said in an interview.

“The Pope offered to intercede in creating a discussion with the Ukrainian side, and this suggestion was reiterated later on after we launched the special military operation.

The Notable Obstacle to Peace

“The genuine obstacle lies in the rejection of the necessity for talks from both the Ukrainian government, as demonstrated by the law’s ban on negotiations with Russia, and the Western community as a whole.

“The latter is relentlessly arming the Kiev regime with state-of-the-art weaponry, encouraging it to pursue military ventures.” The diplomat made this observation.”

Jerrymusa.com report that the Holy See, he underlined, has been “taking a neutral and balanced position” ever since the crisis erupted. It is known that Pope Francis opposes using force. We value his efforts to bring forth an equitable and enduring peace.”
The ambassador from Russia continued.

In light of the damaging strategy of the West, Moscow’s discussions with the Vatican, as Soltanovsky clarified, are aimed at resolving “specific humanitarian issues, primarily together with Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, the Pope’s special envoy.”

“In the opinion of the Holy See, successes on the humanitarian track are important not only in themselves but also in terms of creating a more favourable environment for finding ways to peace and restoring at least minimal trust between the countries,” he said.

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