Canada Imposes Additional Import Restrictions on Russian Diamonds

Canada’s authorities have decided to impose additional import restrictions on Russian diamonds, according to documents released on the website of the Canadian foreign ministry.

“Specifically, the paper said that it is illegal for any Canadian, both inside and outside of the nation, to import, buy, or obtain unprocessed or merely sawn diamonds (also known as non-industrial diamonds) or unsorted diamonds from Russia.”

Other Suspended Items reports that other items that are subject to restrictions include jewellery sets with Russian diamonds and “wristwatches, pocket-watches, and other watches, including stopwatches,” which are not allowed to be imported or purchased by Canadians.

According to the paper, those restrictions do not apply “to personal effects that are carried by an individual entering Canada and that are solely for the use of the individual or the individual’s immediate family.”

The Russian Federation’s acts are said to “constitute a grave breach of” the sanctions, which have been imposed.

worldwide security and peace that has given rise to a grave global emergency,” the text states.

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