Knife Attack in Lake Annecy Park in FranceKnife Attack in Lake Annecy Park in France

In a shocking and abominable act, a Syrian refugee has carried out a vicious knife attack on six very young children at a park near Lake Annecy in the southeast of France, according to the country’s interior minister.

The law enforcement officials apprehended the assailant, now in police custody, stated French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin.

Initial reports indicate that the victims, all approximately three years old, suffered grave injuries, with at least two of them in critical condition.

French Prime Minister to Visit Knife Attack Scene

Expressing profound dismay, regional deputy Antoine Armand denounced the assault as “abominable.” French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne is en route to the scene to assess the situation firsthand.

Authorities are currently investigating the incident, acknowledging their limited knowledge of the circumstances. However, Armand conveyed his thoughts and sympathies to the victims and their families during this distressing time.

Local Officials Confirm 6 Injured Individuals

Earlier statements from local officials indicated that the attacker harmed at least six children. However, subsequent confirmation clarified that a total of six individuals were victimized, including four children.

As per information gathered from police sources cited by Le Parisien, BFM TV, and AFP, the suspect is believed to be a Syrian refugee.

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The attack occurred while the children, some of whom were in pushchairs, were visiting the park. After the assault, the perpetrator fled the scene and proceeded to stab an elderly man nearby.

Law enforcement officers promptly intervened, using force to subdue the assailant, who sustained gunshot wounds to the legs.

A Minute of Silence in French National Assembly

In a show of national solidarity, the French National Assembly held a minute of silence, and authorities implemented roadblocks in the vicinity of the attack.

President Emmanuel Macron expressed his shock and condemnation of the “act of cowardice” through a tweet.

Eye Witnesses Recount the Horrific Incident

Anthony le Tallec, a former Liverpool football player, happened to be jogging in the area when the incident took place. He recounted hearing people urgently shouting “Run! Run!” and witnessed the police pursuing the alleged attacker after he assaulted an elderly man. Le Tallec continued his run along the lake, where he came across the injured children lying on the ground.

Expressing his disbelief, he stated, “It’s unimaginable to have such an incident occur in Annecy.”

Le Tallec also alleged that the police were somewhat late in responding to neutralize the knife-wielding individual.

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Another witness, Eleanor Vincent, shared her experience with the BBC, expressing her realization that something dreadful had transpired as she approached the lake.

“People were going about their business or enjoying their holidays, much like myself, and it’s simply shocking. I cannot find any other words to describe it,” she conveyed to BBC World News, clearly shaken by the incident.

By Margaret Jemituwi

A serial Entrepreneur with experience in Real Estate, Content strategy and Digital Marketing.

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