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UK Home Secretary James Cleverly has announced new regulations intended to reduce immigration. reports that the minimum wage needed to apply for a skilled worker visa will increase in the UK. The new threshold, which is currently set at £26,000, will be raised to £38,700.

Migration statistics

Cleverly said the assembly on Monday that 300,000 fewer migrants may have arrived each year if the regulations had been put into place the year before.


According to the BBC, individuals arriving on social care and health care visas will not be subject to the increased income requirement.

However, dependents—partners and kids—will no longer be permitted to travel with foreign career.

Married couples will be affected too

It follows that a UK citizen who marries a non-UK citizen will not be allowed to move in with them in the UK till they make £38,700.


There were 745,000 net migrants in the UK in 2022, which is the difference between the number of people entering the nation and the number leaving.

“By raising the minimum income requirement for family visas to the same threshold as the minimum salary threshold for skilled workers, £38,700, we will ensure people only bring dependents whom they can support financially,” he declared.

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