Donald Trump faces furious backlash for echoing Hitler

During the Veteran’s Day weekend, former US President Donald Trump called his political opponents “vermin,” drawing comparisons to Hitler and Mussolini.

To celebrate the holiday on Saturday, Trump posted a message to social media in which he vowed to “root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, lie, steal, and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and the American Dream.”

Later, during a speech in New Hampshire, the businessman who is now leading the polls for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination made similar comments.

Trump, the Biden campaign said, “parroted the autocratic language of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini—two dictators many US veterans gave their lives fighting to defeat exactly the kind of un-American ideas Trump now champions” on a weekend when most Americans were honouring their nation’s heroes.

According to a separate statement from the White House, Trump’s comment would be “horrifyingly recognisable to American veterans who put on our country’s uniform in the 1940s.”

A statement from the Trump campaign called anyone who made the historical analogy “snowflakes” and said that “their sad, miserable existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

According to

Many experts, such as Jon Meacham, a historian of the presidency; Ruth Ben-Ghiat, an academic at New York University; and Laurence Tribe, an expert on constitutional law at Harvard, have pointed out that the Nazis used the word “vermin” to describe Jews as nonhuman.

“To call your opponent vermin, to dehumanise them, is to not only open the door, but to walk through the door, towards the most ghastly kinds of crimes,” said Meacham, a close ally of Biden.

Former Republican congressman and television news personality Joe Scarborough, who was discussing the remarks with Meacham on left-leaning MSNBC, said Trump should definitely “pay some royalties to Mussolini’s family trust.”

Trump has been known to sing the praises of authoritarian state leaders like Xi Jinping in China, Vladimir Putin in Russia, and Kim Jong Un in North Korea.

His use of what Tribe termed “straight-up Nazi talk” has been interpreted by some as an escalation, however.

The threat he poses to everyone’s safety and independence is becoming more and more obvious every day. Please trust what you’re seeing and hearing. What you see is what you get with Trump. The academic wrote about X.

By Jerry Musa

With over a decade of experience in journalism and professional Public Relations (PR) practice, Jerry is overwhelmingly experienced in crafting impactful articles, opinions and thought leaderships that have persuasive impact and shape brands and individuals' public perception.

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