The US President’s statement on ongoing talks until a consensus is reached suggests that Israel is only interested in a ceasefire that secures the release of its hostages, after which it will resume its aggression against Palestinians, according to a Hamas official.

“The US president’s words about talks that would proceed until the parties reach a consensus indicate that Israel is interested only in one type of a ceasefire – when it can return its hostages – and after that it will resume its aggression against the Palestinian people,” he said.

Israel Yet to Consider Ceasefire reports that the official urged mediators to pressure Israel for a clear commitment to a permanent ceasefire and troop withdrawal from Gaza, otherwise, Hamas won’t accept the deal for the exchange of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

This comes after US President Joe Biden announced a three-phase ceasefire plan, starting with a complete ceasefire, Israeli troop withdrawal, and hostage release, followed by talks and subsequent phases for further hostage release and Gaza reconstruction.

While Hamas expressed positivity towards the initiative, it insisted on Israel’s commitment to the same principles before considering the proposals, emphasizing that Israel “don’t want a ceasefire and don’t want to achieve any results at the talks.”

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