European Union

EuropeanUkraine has embarked on a lengthy journey to join the European Union, commencing with the inaugural meeting of the EU-Ukraine Intergovernmental Conference in Luxembourg. reports that while this marks a significant milestone, European Council President Charles Michel cautioned that the path ahead will be arduous and demand substantial reforms, institutional fortification, and resolute anti-corruption measures. “This is the beginning of a long process.

The Future of Ukraine in EU

While today we celebrate a significant step forward, we must also recognize that the road ahead will require sustained effort, dedication, and further substantial reforms,” he said.

Michel had earlier proposed a symbolic pledge to Ukraine, suggesting EU membership by 2030. Notably, the accession talks are open-ended, with no predetermined deadlines.

Ukraine, along with Moldova, must demonstrate tangible progress in strengthening institutions, combating corruption, and enhancing economic stability to meet the EU’s rigorous standards.

Turkey’s protracted EU accession talks, spanning 19 years without a successful outcome, serve as a testament to the complexity of this process.

“Ukraine and Moldova will need to continue their work to strengthen institutions, continue combating corruption, and enhance economic stability to meet the rigorous standards of full EU membership,” Michel emphasized.

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