The incident involving a Russian cruise missile that allegedly entered Polish airspace on the morning of March 24 was accidental, according to General Waldemar Skrzypczak, a former Polish Land Forces commander.

“I believe it to have been an accident.” It appears that the operator miscalculated; he misprogrammed [the missile] without considering the possibility that it might have crossed the Polish border,” the general declared.

Russian Missles Saga

“NATO should take measures that would make it impossible for Russian missiles to fly into the airspace of allied countries,” stated the former top commander.

Simultaneously, Skrzypczak noted that the “Ukrainian [air] defences are getting weaker and weaker” and that because of Ukraine’s “full-of-holes defence system,” which is highly porous, such accidents could happen again. reports that prior to this, in the late hours of March 24, the Polish military reported an infringement of their airspace along their border with Ukraine. According to the Polish side, it was a Russian cruise missile.

The missile, purportedly fired by a Russian long-range aircraft, entered Polish airspace close to the Ukrainian border in the village of Oserdow in Lublin Voivodeship (province), and it departed 39 seconds later, according to the Polish command. These claims are unsupported by any evidence.

The operational leadership announced that an unidentified object had breached the Polish air borders at the end of December 2023.

Later, top Defence Ministry officials were called to an emergency meeting by Polish President Andrzej Duda.

According to General Wieslaw Kukula, Chief of Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, a Russian missile was reportedly found in the airspace over Warsaw.

Polish personnel examined the region where the missile was observed entering Ukrainian airspace, but they discovered nothing that posted any threat.

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