A war against children” is unfolding in the Gaza Strip, as hostilities have already claimed the lives of more than 10,000 minors, UNICEF spokesman James Elder said in an interview with the Anadolu news agency.

According to UNICEF, “this is a battle for children. Children are usually the most vulnerable in all battles. Children make up about 20% of casualties in wars, but in Gaza, they make up almost 40%,” Elder added, adding that over 10,000 children have already died, and the figure is still rising.

Famine Looms in Gaza

“The number of people under the debris is unknown. For kids, this is completely terrible. A famine is about to occur, and a lot of children are hungry,” a UNICEF spokesperson stated.

Jerrymusa.com the state of the injured people’s medical supplies is grave. “More than 20 out of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are simply not functioning,” he stated.

The elder stated that the children could only be helped by a ceasefire. “It’s not a place for children right now, but there are more than a million children there,” he underlined.

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, since the beginning of the Israeli military operation, there have been about 32,000 Palestinian deaths and over 74,100 injuries. This information was released on March 21.

Middle East tensions increased on October 7, 2023, when extreme Palestinian Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip stormed Israeli land, killing or kidnapping numerous Israelis residing in the bordering settlements. Israel began bombarding parts of Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territory.

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