By: Olugbemga George

As the global world continues to witness varying challenges across different facets of our collective existence, it is becoming clearer that there are no better solutions to our myriad of challenges than focusing on improving the value of our humanity. Ironically, hostility and malfeasance has become our new normal where territorial and economic power and control now trumps the value for life and humanity.

Humanitarian Support is Chosen Over Peace

The endless wars and bloodletting that has claimed many lives continue to multiply rather than decline. Lip service is being paid to the seeming desire to bring these wars and killings to an end. While conversations to restore peace are being peddled by the media on a daily basis, tacit support and approval is covertly endorsed by those who seem to be leading the cease-fire discussions. Do I write to accuse or troll any people in particular? Never! But the words of famous American actor and comedian George Carlin many years ago continue to ring loud in my head, “Fighting for Peace is like screwing for Virginity”. What an irony that makes one pause for a deep breath. Sadly, this is our current reality in the global space.

What kind of peace do we seek when instead of advocating for the fighting to stop , we are more concerned with the humanitarian aids that go to victims and war casualties? I thought we could as well prevent the safe from dying while trying to rescue the wounded. How do we tell the next generation that we ordered an attack in retaliation for the harm that was done to our neighbors and yet claim to seek peace with them? How do we get justice for a people that were attacked by ordering them to stop fighting back when we do not outrightly condemn the attackers with severe punishment. Indeed, the world isn’t seeking a balance.

How Did We Get Here?

Reading through various news platforms globally, I’m more saddened and depressed by the hypocrisy that governs our current global space and makes diplomacy a sour taste. And though we are dealing with more severe challenges of hunger and starvation due to bad leadership in my own side of the global divide, it seems rather obvious that the end of the age is in sight. And though it seems that the end is fast approaching, we cannot resign to fate and watch all the ills of life from bad decisions of a select few in leadership befall all of us. We must take active and decisive steps to improve the quality of our lives as we slowly witness the approach of the end of an era.

We must raise our collective voices as citizens of the global village and say No to Violence! No to killings! No to Wars! And Yes to Peace!

Please read my next article on Democratic Capitalism: A Proven Strategy For Social & Economic Advancement in Africa. It promises to be informative and insightful.

Olugbenga George writes from Abuja Nigeria.
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