Russia points to it's high business interest in Africa

During expanded format meetings with Equatorial Guinea’s President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his country’s business community’s interest in doing business across Africa and in Equatorial Guinea in particular.

“As for your country, we have simply noted in our one-on-one talk that we have a lot to work on. The Russian leader emphasised the importance of strengthening economic ties as a top priority.

“The interest of Russian enterprises in operating in Africa in general and in your country in particular is considerable.

He elaborated, saying, “I mean especially the potential in mining operations,” meaning that there are excellent investment opportunities and good prospects for growing these partnerships in your country.

According to Putin reaffirmed Russia’s delight in hosting the high-powered delegation accompanying his counterpart on this trip to Moscow.

We have now spent about an hour face-to-face with Mr. President, during which time we have discussed our bilateral relations and regional agenda.

There are several ways in which our interests coincide. Russia’s ties to the African continent are strengthening rapidly. The results of the Russia-Africa meeting in St. Petersburg this past summer speak to this,” the Russian president stated.

Tassnews reports that Putin added that he had dressed regional security and regional ties with Equatorial Guinea’s president. “We agreed on what and how we will do further on that front,” he commented.

By Jerry Musa

With over a decade of experience in journalism and professional Public Relations (PR) practice, Jerry is overwhelmingly experienced in crafting impactful articles, opinions and thought leaderships that have persuasive impact and shape brands and individuals' public perception.

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